Karnataka Camping - Trek from Kalsa to Sural waterfalls

Day 2 at our campsite : It was time to wake-up at 7 am and to get fresh. Unlike the smoggy mornings in Mumbai, It was a foggy morning at the campsite. Winter chill was keeping us covered from head to toe in multiple layers of clothing. Our breakfast was ready by 8 am . Servings of Pavbhaji and tea !!!! Hot food on wintery morning is always welcome and any food on trek is always welcome. Ready by 9 am, we were off in our mini bus for village of Kankumbi on border of Karnataka and few minutes drive from our campsite. Today our plan was to start trek towards Kalsa waterfall , walk on rocky bed of Kalsa stream and trek would culminate in Sural village passing through the mighty Sural waterfall and traverse through the jungle path. Some 43 kms from Belgaum city in the dense jungles of kankumbi - lies a cusp region in Virgin valleys bordering Karnataka and Goa.... Kalsa stream & Kalsa waterfall also called locally as Barajanacha Vajra. It's a local ...