Nature trail in Uttan Mangroves - Jamdar pada lake and Dam

Mumbai is mainly associated with population, pollution and if this wasn't enough we have some unique haphazard ways of developing our city for the next few decades by clogging the already clogged roads with development projects which adds to our woes. We seek green spaces in the concrete jungles of Mumbai but when we have one like Aarey forest or Sanjay Gandhi national park, we make it a litter zone by throwing our empty food packets and empty plastic bottles. One would sometimes think there are no places left in Mumbai where we don't have pollution or littering, all place natural. But then an ardent nature lover would always find some pockets of green, someplace of solace and peace. And believe it or not, there exist such places in the deepest corners of our city where we can still find chirping birds, nature, greenery, and some uninterrupted shades of peace. One such place that I had recently read about - Jamdar Dam and a small lake, a place with abundant shade a...